Thursday, July 17, 2008

Yes, $48 BILLION on AIDS research

Yes, $48 Billion. Our president just voted in this amazing amount of funding. Not only for research, but for supporting the world to prevent the AIDS virus from exploding. (Has anyone told the world how to prevent AIDS so maybe it will stop spreading? I know, I know, unrealistic to think that people will stop having unprotected sex. Rubbish.) I know that's just a drop in the bucket for our budget. And, I think it is incredible that we are trying to help other countries from being affected by this horrible death. Let's, at least, acknowledge that AIDS is a preventable disease. But, even though not a disease, getting OLD is not preventable.

So, how come we don't help at home first? At least, for our elderly? The same president just vetoed a bill that would keep premiums lower (thank goodness that Congress overrode him). Those most affected are those seniors/disabled on fixed social security income budgets.

We may disregard this problem now, because we think we are too young to worry about it. But, you don't get to skip this part. We are on our way to becoming the elderly.

Let's not use the words elderly or seniors. We could even use the word Mom in each sentence. Okay, let's use "Mom" in each of these sentences to give a better idea of how you could feel, or use "I" starting with: We have people that are going hungry. Now relate this to..."Mom" is going hungry or "I" am going hungry). These people are going without medications. They are not able to use electricity to keep cool or heat to stay warm. They are becoming homeless. These people have worked and paid for programs that are becoming too expensive to use.

These people will be you and me, someday, and sooner than you would like to think.

I want my family members and friends to know that they will get appropriate medical help and prescriptions that won't take away from the feeble retirement pay they will, or already, receive.

Maybe the answer...and don't scream at socialized medicine for those over the retirement age. Oh, that's right, I think they call that medicare. Well, if it's supposed to be helping, how come only the ones that can afford it get the most benefit from the program. Kind of like, how you can get a loan, if you don't need one.

We should offer all prescriptions at a low discounted rate, like the military receives, which is federally funded from the same money that funds medicare, or just at no cost to the people that would qualify.

The body starts to fall apart over time. As one gets older, more medications are needed to keep the body stay in balance to have a comfortable life.

Maybe the presciption funding isn't the answer but it would sure help. People shouldn't have to give up eating to stay well, or stay alive.

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