Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Personal Opinion Only....on Bratz dolls

I was reading about Mattel being awarded multi-millions for the Bratz dolls...and below the article was the forum for everyone to comment. Most of the comments were how they would never have their child/grandchild play with Bratz or the "prostitute" dolls. But, I don't see it.'s been over 50 years and I never wanted to look like Barbie. It was just pretend. The clothes were fun. I don't think that the Bratz dolls do anything to anyone. They just look pretty comical with huge heads, hands and feet, and have clothes more like teenagers/runway models/all-American tv shows and magazine ads of today. And, if we want to chat about the makeup...I put makeup on like that about 45 years I could look like all the other moms! Red lipstick and rouge, and bright eyeshadows! It's been the rage since at least the times of Cleopatra.

I have 5 children and none of them were traumatized by any doll or toy, nor wanted to look like a bratz doll. It's silly to blame a toy. Blame TV and magazines before you blame a toy for the preferred destruction of your daughters dress apparel. And, that final selection of dress apparel is on the parent, not the toy.

And, the whole idea of believing a child will be turned into a clone of their doll is bizarre. That would mean that playing with a baby doll will make that daughter start wetting her pants and saying "mama" all the time. It's how you raise them, what you instill ethically and morally that hopefully guides your child into being a productive human being....not a toy doll that looks comical.

Or, how about your young man playing with popguns? Will that make him an assassin? All three sons have played with toy guns. They don't even hunt, let alone enjoy guns at all, now. Just because he played with GI Joe won't make him a soldier later in life. It's pretend.

I think there is too much negative emphasis on something so minor. I could understand not playing with a ouija board, which is definitely satanic by all biblical standards. But, dolls do not create who we are or will become. Nor does any toy.

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